HTML tutorial

Badal- The Revenge

The land is known as the graveyard of empires. Its inhabitants, warlike Pashtuns, strictly follow their ancient sacred code of honor, Pashtunwali. The most important clause of that code is Badal, the revenge. A Pashtun must avenge murder of his family no matter what is the cost. Otherwise, he is a pariah in his own community. 
The year is 1985. Baz is just ten year old when his entire family is killed. Despite his young age, he manages to kill all the murderers save one. He flees his village for bordering Afghanistan. Under patronage of his father's old friend, Ustad Karim Khan, he lives there and participates in war. His mentor is killed by Arab mujahidin. He takes revenge and moves to Pakistan as Kabul falls to Taliban. It is the post nine-eleven world when a corrupt police officer snatches his money and sends him to jail. He tracks that officer to get his money back, and finds that the officer is involved with a group of Arabs who are planning to attack USA on 4th of July. He helps the US and Pakistani intelligence agencies in exposing the plot and learns that the man who is selected for the mission is the lone surviving killer of his family. The terrorist plot has been already put into motion. He must foil it, and above all he must take badal.


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