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Book Promotion Service

Have you recently published a book on Amazon or elsewhere and you want to a bit of expose? Do you have a book that’s not getting any sales? Perhaps I can help. Why not let me be a part of your book promotion? Here’s what I can do for you?

I have listed the book promotion services for you so that you can choose the one you want

Listing: I will list your book here and promote it.

Social media promotion: Will promote your book on various social media websites. I have a huge fan base.

Review your book: I will submit a review of your book on Amazon. You will have to send me a copy of your book to me so that I take a look at it.

Press release: Will do a press release on “one” major press release site. It will be indexed on major search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing). You will have to send me a 500 word fresh description of the book and a mention of the author and the link to the book. 

Bookmarks: Bookmark your book page on at least 15-20+ different bookmarking websites.

Links: Will create 5 back links to your book on different websites.  

Links to your book on blogs: Create addition back links to your book by publishing small descriptions (100 to 150 words – you will need to provide them) of your book with links on at least 5 different websites/blogs.

Create a website: I will create a website exactly like this and set up the domain on Blogger. You will need to buy the domain name before hand from Namecheap, my preferred choice of registrar. You will have to give me access to your Namecheap account for me to do this. Once set up, you don’t need to pay for hosting as Google provides free hosting. You can start blogging and start promoting yourself and your books.

Create social media profiles: Will create various social media accounts and get you started on your social media journey. This will allow you to promote our books on a regular basis.

Book trailer (not yet available - coming up soon): Will create a book trailer for you to promote on your website or upload it on YouTube.

You book ad on this site: Will post an ad for your book on the left side-bar of this website for 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks for maximum exposure.

Banner creation: Will create a banner of any size just like this one to put on your website. You can then link the banner to your author page and get traffic.

Banner creation and ad on this site combined: Will create a banner of similar size as thisone and place it on the sidebar of this website for 1 month. You get to keep the banner. 

If you like any of these book promotion services, then feel free to contact me about any of them. My preferred payment method is PayPal.