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Meet your Inner Imps: Master your Self-Talk

CONTROL your self-talk. EMPOWER yourself. SUCCEED where you thought success wasn’t possible 

Do you sometimes ask yourself just what the hell you have to do to get a better job, lose weight, get fit, find love or get a better overall deal in life? 

Want to know the answer? 

Inner Imps! 

A conscience, inner self-talk, voices, feelings, guides – whatever you want to call them, they are there guiding “Team You” to success, failure or, perhaps worst of all, soul-destroying inactivity. 

Master your Inner Imps and you can: 
• reignite your motivational fires 
• find the courage and confidence to achieve your dreams 
• shake up your job/career 
• improve your love life and relationships 
• kick your body into shape 
• make sure your kids grow up with a positive CANDo attitude 

It's not ROCKET SCIENCE; it's real life practical advice and amazingly simple CANDoable activities. If you are fed up with all the CRAP in your life? "Meet your Inner Imps" hands you the shovel to get rid of it. Take the proffered shovel, master your Imps and unleash your potential.


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