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How to market a book

Writing a book is the easy part, the hard part is marketing your book. Most authors don’t know what to do after their book is live or how to market a book to save their skin. In fact, more than half of the authors don’t go beyond selling a few books to their friends, family and colleagues if they are lucky.

How to market a book
How to market a book
Here are a few things you can do to start marketing your book on the net:

Create a twitter account and start tweeting about your book. It’s easy enough. Include your cover image and use appropriate hash tags.

Promote on LinkedIn. There are tons of groups on LinkedIn where authors can share their books, exchange ideas and even promote their books.

Don’t forget the good old Facebook for marketing your book. Enough said on Facebook promotion! But you will be surprised how many groups and pages there are on Facebook dedicated on marketing your book. Do join them but whatever you do don’t spam them. You can start off by joining the BookMuni Facebook group here.

Scoopit is another good site where you can promote your book. They have recently included tags which you add wisely.

Pinterest is definitely a place where you should be marketing your book. Add your cover image and a link to your books. You can create a Pinterest board just for promoting your books.

I will promote your book on 2 popular growing blogs and tweet

Why not create YouTube videos to market your book. Videos are easy to make, you can do slideshows or you can do simple trailer for your book. Don’t forget to include a link to your book in the description.

Create a website. It’s easy to create a blog. I suggest you start on a free blogging platform and once you have enough confidence then buy a domain name and transfer your blog to make it look professional.

Now you know where to get started and have some idea on how to market a book. Bookmark this website for more advanced book marketing tips.

If you want your book to be included on this website then click here.


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