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Baby Girl Book 1: In the Beginning

Baby Girl Book 1: In the Beginning is the first book in this series. 
Follow Cleo on her epic saga which begins when she abandoned by her mom at twelve. She has no other family which she is aware of, and in order to survive she leaves her home and lives on the streets. She meets some interesting characters and gets into some amusing predicaments all in the name of survival, such as jumping trains, being chased through the woods by a crazy man with a loaded shotgun and witnessing an unspeakable crime. After a few months on the streets she runs into another group of kids, Einstein is the oldest and a leader in the group, and they form a family of sorts. For survival and money they lean towards a life a crime which inevitably breaks up their family and sends Cleo and Einstein spiraling into their own adventure. Eventually they settle into a “normal” life however their pasts can’t be hushed forever … 

HIDDEN DOORS, SECRET ROOMS - a paranormal suspense thriller

JillianBraedon possesses a secret so explosive that she must be silenced. On the run with her five-year-old daughter, stranded in the middle of a blizzard and critically injured, Jill sends little Valerie off into the raging storm alone. The child stumbles onto the property of retired musician-turned-recluse, John Mills, begging for help. John soon finds himself caught up in their torment, and face-to-face with the pursuing covert agents, who will do anything to destroy the secret, and silence everyone involved.

Build a Brand, Create Products and Earn Passive Income

This is a blueprint for online success. It’s everything I’ve learned during a decade of living online. 

This is not a get-rich-quick book. However, if you do what it says, you will make money online. 

You will also grow an authoritative personal brand, that will benefit both you and your businesses for years to come. 

Enjoy Passive Income

I’m going to tell you how to enjoy creating regular content that will be consumed by a growing community of adoring fans and how to unlock the secrets of social media and email marketing to ask them what they want. And then, how to create products (books, podcasts, videos) to sell to them and others. 

So, to re-cap: Your brand is followed by an audience. They tell you what they want, you build it and they buy it. And you keep going. It’s very simple. 
And there’s more good news: you won’t have to spend any money. 

At the end, I’m going to send you on your way with my strategy ingrained in your mind. This will help you to build your brand, create products and earn passive income. Plus you’ll be able to keep going. My strategy ensures there’s always more in the tank to give. Creativity breeds creativity. 

You will enjoy creating content. So, let’s get going! 

Religions of the World for Kids

My new book is called “Religions of the World for Kids. My previous book on religion was on Hinduismmainly designed for children but this book covers all the important religions of the world.  The book covers all major religions of the world in simple format. I have also explained what religion is and also what God is. It’s a very difficult concept to understand but amazing thing is that, kids understand some of these concepts better than adults. I have also included the Wicca religion in the book as its making lots of progress and have many followers not just in England but around the world.  You can find the book on all Amazon stores.
Religions of the World

The Writing Process Blog Tour

“The purpose of this tour is to showcase fellow writers with emphasis around the writing process itself to spread great words, get insights, and to show support in this isolating craft we embark on.”

I was nominated by Elle Klass. You can find her on her blog TheTroubled Oyster. You can also read her interview here.

1. What am I working on at the moment?

I just published this ebook and hope to get this out on paperback as well. Currently, I have a couple of titles in mind and one of them is related to travel and the other is on the culture of India. I am not sure when I will be able to finish them but I hope to make it this year.
Religions of the World for Kids

2. How does my work differ from others in it's genre?

Good question. Well let’s take one of my books for instance for example “Hinduism for Kids”. I come from a family of Hindu priests and I believe I can do a good job of writing on Hinduism. I personally think I was cut out to write that book. I am sure there are other good books out there, it's just that mine is better and it’s more genuine. Straight from the horse’s mouth if you like! In addition, I like to keep the prices of books competitive. In fact, the prices of my books are the cheapest in the same genre.

at the taj mahal

3. Why do I write what I do?

I was a blogger and was blogging about travelling to India on my travel blog. Then it occurred to me “why not write a book” and which is exactly what I did and this one was my first book. I’m sure it’s addictive as well. Once you have one, you can’t stop.

4. How does my writing process work?

Any creative work begins with an idea. I have an idea and then I do some market research and check if I can actually write it or not. If I can, then I plan a table of contents and begin writing. I edit, proof read, I get someone else to read it I can, design the covers and its read to go.

I Nominate Pamela Winn

You can find here on her blog
Her author page on Amazon

Why I Am Not a Hindu

New edition of a classic critique of Hindutva, Hindu culture, use and misuse of tradition and religion. by a sudra. central to an ongoing debate. includes a 32 p.after ward on the controversies. 

One reviewer says:
"Hinduism has never been a humane philosophy. It is the most brutal religious school that the history of religions has witnessed. The Dalitbahujan castes of India are the living evidence of its brutality."
The author, Kancha Ilaiah, is a "Dalitbahujan", a group which includes India's lower castes like farmers and the "untouchables". Ilaiah (sounds like "Isaiah") refuses to lump Dalitbahujans in with Hindus: "What do we, the lower [castes, or Dalitbahujans], have to do with Hinduism ...? [The Dalitbahujans of India] have never heard the word 'Hindu' - not as a word, nor as the name of a culture, nor as the name of a religion in our early childhood days. We heard about the Turukoollu (Muslims), we heard about Kirastaanapoollu (Christians), we heard about Baapanoollu (Brahmins) [the priestly caste] and Koomatoollu (Baniyas) [the merchant class] spoken of as people who were different from us. Among these four categories, the most different were the [Brahmins and the Baniyas]. There are at least some aspects of life common to us and the [Muslims and Christians]. We all eat meat, we all touch each other. With the [Muslims], we shared several other cultural relations. We both celebrated the Peerila festival. Many [Muslims] came with us to the fields. The only people with whom we had no relations, whatsoever, were the [Brahmins and Baniyas]. But today we are suddenly being told that we have a common religious and cultural relationship with the [Brahmins and Baniyas]. This is not merely surprising; it is shocking."

So begins Ilaiah's broadside against Hinduism and "Hindutva" or Hindu-ness, the ideology of the Hindu right. In the book, he argues that Hinduism, with its focus on upper caste gods, values, and culture, is a patriarchal and fascist religion and worldview. Furthermore, Hinduism should be considered the sole preserve of the upper castes - despite efforts by the Hindu right to draw the Dalitbahujan masses into the Hindu fold (in a subservient position of course) to increase their numbers and gain unity and strength in the fight against Muslims and Christians. Ilaiah identifies the Hindus as the ancestors of the Aryan tribes who were supposed to have invaded the subcontinent from the north a few thousand years ago, and the Dalitbahujans as the ancestors of the indigenous peoples of the subcontinent prior to the Aryan invasion. (He even attempts to explain Hindu sexism by proffering literary evidence tending to show how "all women, including Brahmin women, were treated in the same demeaning way because they were seen to share the same genealogical origins... because most of the ancient Aryan invaders were men and they must have married the native Sudra-Dravid women. They must have had sex with such women and must have treated them as the equivalent to Sudra slaves.")

Ilaiah explains that India today is in the sad state it is in owing to Hinduism and Hindus - meaning, again, the upper castes - which are still the ruling elite in India. During British occupation upper caste Indians were made into a comprador class: a segment of an occupied society that receives benefits and rewards from the occupier in return for collaboration. By the time India gained independence from Britain, "an all-India 'upper' caste elite - the new bhadralok (the 'upper' caste combine) - was ready to take over the whole range of post-colonial political institutions... each institution was made the preserve of the 'upper' caste forces, with Brahmins being in the lead in many of [them]." Even the anti-colonial, nationalist movements were hegemonized by the Brahmins and their upper caste allies, a process which was made possible "because the British colonialists themselves saw a possibility of manipulation of institutions, parties and organizations if they remained in the hands of the so-called upper castes... Consciously or unconsciously, the British themselves helped to construct a 'brahminical meritocracy' that came to power in post-Independence India."

"In post-colonial India, in the name of Congress [Party] democratic rule, the Hindus came to power both at Delhi and at the provincial headquarters. Parliamentary democracy in essence became brahminical democracy. Within no time the colonial bureaucracy was transformed into a brahminical bureaucracy. The same brahminical forces transformed themselves to suit an emerging global capitalism. They recast their Sanskritized life-style to anglicized life-styles, reshaping themselves, to live a semi-capitalist (and at the same time brahminical) life. Their anglicization did not undermine their casteized authoritarianism. All apex power centres in the country were brahminized and the power of the bureaucracy greatly extended. Because of their anglicization quite a few of them were integrated into the global techno-economic market. Such top brahminical elites were basically unconcerned with the development of the rural economy because it would result in changing the conditions of hte Dalitbahujan masses and thus new social forces might emerge. Thus the anglicized brahminical class also became an anti-development social force."

Even the Indian Communist Party did not escape upper caste domination. "Notionally the Communist leadership was trying to portray itself as an integral part of the masses and to stress that it was no different from the people. But in reality the Dalitbahujan masses remained distinctly different in three ways: (i) the Communist leadership came from the 'upper' caste - mainly from Brahmins; (ii) they remained Hindu in day-to-day life-styles; and (iii) by and large the masses were economically poor but the leaders came from relatively wealthy backgrounds. The masses came from Dalitbahujan castes, and these castes never found an equal place in the leadership structures. Even in states like Andrhra Pradesh and Kerala, where non-Brahmin movements were strong enough to influence the society, the pattern held good... All over the country, the Brahmin population has become leaders in all spheres of socio-political life. They never remained part of the masses. Thus even the Communist movement started functioning in two separate camps - the 'upper' caste leader camp and the Dalitbahujan cadre camp."

"What Hinduism has done is that through manipulative hierarchization, even in the socialist era, it has retained its hegemony over the managerial psots in the urban centres. In every industry the working masses are Dalitbahujans whose notions of life and work are non-Hinduistic [that is, they value labor and practical knowledge over leisure and religious knowledge], whereas, the entrepreneurs and managers of the factories - the directors, supervisors, engineers - are Brahmin, Baniya or Neo-Kshatriya [the warrior caste]. As a result, there is a total cultural divide between the managerial class and the working class. If some factory workers starve or if workers get injured or die because of an accident, the managers do not feel for them because there is no social relationship between them. They are separated not only by class but also by caste. Thus the worker's suffering or death is seen as that of the Other." Hence India's putrid wealth divide: divisions were first cut into society by caste, and now have been cemented by class.

As an interesting aside, Ilaiah argues that the "persistent theory that human beings are by nature, selfish or iniquitous or the scope for selfishness is removed only when inequality is reduced (as was done in some of hte former socialist systems) and its obverse: the theory that human systems do not survive if inequalities are totally removed, both these theories can be disproved by any systematic study of Dalitwaadas [Dalitbahujan communities], where there is no negative cut-throat competition and no withdrawing into lethargy."

Baby Girl Book 3: City by the Bay

Follow Cleo, who has once again changed her identity, this time to Shanna Nu, an orange moppy-headed homely girl, or so she tries to portray, as she travels to San Francisco seeking employment with the La Tige Detective Agency to search for answers. La Tige, a hard, sloppy man, lacking in social graces manages to worm a way right into her heart. Finally entering adulthood, Cleo realizes who she is inside, and through La Tige and a few other friends, she finds that true affection is forcing her to desperately pursue the answers to the mystery surrounding her birth and biological family. She manages to tie up a few loose ends while unraveling a few more.

Why I Am Not a Muslim

Those who practice the Muslim faith have resisted examinations of their religion. They are extremely guarded about their religion, and what they consider blasphemous acts by skeptical Muslims and non-Muslims alike has only served to pique the world's curiosity. This critical examination reveals an unflattering picture of the faith and its practitioners. Nevertheless, it is the truth, something that has either been deliberately concealed by modern scholars or buried in obscure journals accessible only to a select few.


"My favorite book on Islam is the rationalist critique Why I Am Not a Muslim."
- Christopher Hitchens in The Atlantic Monthly

". . . a courageous and prophethic call to value and protect human rights, especially the rights of women."
- National Catholic Reporter

"The problem with a book such as this is that it will most likely never reach those most in need of it. How many libraries will stock it, or dare stock it if they knew its contents?"
-The New Humanist

". . . transcends The Satanic Verses in terms of sacrilege. Where Rushdie offered an elusive critique of Islam in an airy tale of magical realism, Ibn Warraq brings a scholarly sledgehammer to the task of demolishing Islam. Such an act, especially for an author of Muslim birth, is so incendiary that the author must write under a pseudonym; not to do so would be an act of suicide"
- The Weekly Standard

" . . . a completely compelling case for the conclusion that Islam is flatly incompatible with the establishment and maintenance of the equal individual rights and liberties of a liberal, democratic, secular state."
- Salisbury Review

"Ibn Warraq has done for Islam what Bertrand Russell did for Christianity, but at much greater personal risk. . . . His [fate] would be that of Salman Rushdie's were he to reveal his true name rather than the pseudonym he uses. This book is must reading for all who would understand the possibilities and the dangers of affirming multi-culturalism in today's world."
-The Human Quest

"At long last a writer has risen to the challenge posed by this religion of compulsion. He has put together in one book all the objectionable rules of Islam, and has made it into one of the best books about Islam that I have seen in many years. We must be extremely grateful to Ibn Warraq for his revealing book."
- Humanist in Canada

About the Author

Ibn Warraq is the highly acclaimed author of Why I Am Not a Muslim, Virgins? What Virgins?, and Defending the West. He is also the editor of The Origins of the Koran, What the Koran Really Says, Leaving Islam, The Quest for the Historical Muhammad, and Which Koran?.

The Legend of the Petoskey Stone (Myths, Legends, Fairy and Folktales)

The sixth tale in our Legend series, The Legend of the Petoskey Stone focuses on the naming of this unique fossil, found only on the shores of Lake Michigan. From the ancient, warm sea that covered most of the state, through Native American history and the history of the town named after a great chief, The Legend of the Petoskey Stone is a welcome addition to the fables so richly told and illustrated by this much-loved and honored children's book team.
Author Kathy-jo Wargin has earned national acclaim through award-winning children's classics such as Michigan's official state book, The Legend of Sleeping Bear, Children's Choice Award winner The Legend of the Loon, The Edmund Fitzgerald: Song of the Bell, and many others. Kathy-jo enjoys writing about nature and its effect on all our lives, and is a frequent guest speaker throughout the country. She is also a faculty member of the Bear River Writers Workshop, sponsored by the University of Michigan. She lives in Petoskey, Michigan. Since the publication of The Legend of Sleeping Bear, artist Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen has been an established presence in the world of children's book illustration. His many other titles with Sleeping Bear Press include The Edmund Fitzgerald: Song of the Bell, Adopted by an Owl, Jam & Jelly by Holly & Nellie, and The Legend of Leelanau. Gijsbert and his family live in Bath, Michigan.

Reflections: Prayers from the Heart of a 14 - Year Old Boy

Reflections Prayers from the Heart of a 14 Year Old Boy is a Prayer book for teenagers looking to seek guidance in a world that is in constant change. In many ways it will help parents and their children bond as they come closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Author Michael Alexander Beas wrote this collection of prayer when he was only 14 years old. Somehow they have traveled with him over the course of 20 years; that in itself is truly a miracle. Thanks to the world of self-publishing they can now be put in print and offered to you for reflection and prayer with your teenager.

Lose Weight Easily: How to Lose Weight

Weight loss has been a hot topic for as long as I can remember, and especially over the past few years as more and more people understand the connection between healthy living and weight management. It is fiction to suggest that losing weight is “a walk in the park,” though it is true that sometimes the challenges associated with this campaign are indeed handsomely rewarded through the benefits gained. The truth of the matter is that you can enjoy living at a healthy weight without having to struggle through any of those weird diets and stringent workout regimens often advertised in the media. Think about it, what happens in your mind when you read all that advice on dieting, workouts and other so called “success strategies” for weight loss? If you are like me, the first thing that comes to mind is the feeling of deprivation and defeat, even before you’ve started. Well, I’m here to tell you that your goals of losing weight and living healthy can actually be achieved without any of these weird diets or crazy workout routines that you fear, dread, and loathe. I’ll show you how. 

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
  • Why Diets Often Don’t Result in Permanent Weight Loss
  • Why Workout Regimens Often Don’t Work Either
  • Eighteen Weight Loss Tips that are Easily Achievable and Sustainable
  • How to Set Realistic Weight Loss Goals
  • How to Measure your Results
  • Much, much more!

21 Ways to Improve Your Golf Game

Are you convinced that you could do better, shoot lower scores and enjoy the game more? 

Golf is 85 – 90% a mental game
which means that the majority of your mistakes, missed-shots, and bogeys are because you are not relaxed, focused and concentrating on your game. Tiger Woods practices his mental-game as much as he practices his physical-game. 

Now you can use some of the little tricks that Tiger Woods and other top rated golfers use in order to improve YOUR game. 

Your unconscious mind is incredibly smart and capable.

Remember when you first learned to drive a car? For many of us it was an extremely frustrating process. Starting and stopping smoothly. Driving in the MIDDLE of the lane. Paying attention to the traffic around us. Parallel parking! And for those of us who learned how to drive a standard shift … add in the frustrations of the shift mechanism along with the clutch! But, in a surprisingly short time, we somehow learned to drive smoothly and effortlessly. If you've been driving for over a year or so, the process has probably become so automatic it is largely unconscious. 

And … that's how your golf game should and can be … largely unconscious and almost automatic. When you start learning and practicing … you concentrate on all the mechanics of the shot. You break down the various kinds of shots into a number of components. You work on each component until it becomes automatic. And then … you simply have to let go and just play. 

So how do you do you get to a golf game that is largely automatic, where you are able to trust yourself to just PLAY? 

The fact is you have to practice. Work with your Golf Pro to understand the mechanics of each type of shot … and then practice the mechanics. Break the shot down into its components and focus on one component at a time. Then put them all together and work on a smooth flowing swing or putt. 

And while you are practicing the physical side of the game … you also practice the MENTAL side of the game. 

You will learn: 

  • How to focus with laser beam intensity

  • How to concentrate

  • How to visualize success

  • How to get rid of distractions 
  • How to relax

  • How to have FUN

  • 21 Ways to Improve Your Golf Game focuses on the MENTAL side of your golf game. 
    Master them one at a time and you will see your game improve faster than you ever thought possible! 

    Tags: peak performance, mental toughness, mental Training, concentration, improve focus, success imagery, visualization techniques, success conditioning, self-confidence, self-belief, performance choking, mental edge, champion mindset, sport psychology techniques, sports hypnotherapy, peak performance, performance excellence. 

    How to Achieve Success and Happiness: Increase your mind power, overcome negativity, achieve your goals, and live your dreams in record time

    Would you like to know the shortcut to achieving success and extreme happiness? In this life-changing book, you will learn the methods and techniques for creating dramatic, permanent change in your life. It took me many years of suffering and then many years of self-education to figure out the secrets of success and happiness, and now I'm thrilled to present to you this book that covers many of the strategies that I use to this day to help me achieve greater success and maintain my happy and optimistic attitude. 

    How to Achieve Success and Happiness: Increase your mind power, overcome negativity, achieve your goals, and live your dreams in record time 
    In this book, you will learn how to systematically adjust your mindset in order to create rapid change in your life and dramatically increase your levels of happiness. You will discover the step by step approach for manifesting all your desires, and you will also learn the common roadblocks to success so that you may avoid making mistakes along the way and accelerate your progress. 
    Topics covered include:
    • Subconscious programming

    • Cultivating self-awareness

    • Autosuggestion

    • Visualization techniques

    • Blocks to Abundance

    • Eliminating stress

    • Eliminating negative influences

    • Increasing energy
    It is certainly possible for you to achieve success and live your dreams, and you can achieve your goals in much less time than you might think. Success starts from within. I learned that the hard way after having my life crumble before my eyes. I had to rebuild myself from within. Only when I learned to be happy did I start to see worldly success, and this book will describe exactly how I did that. You don't have to take the long path to success like I did. You can take the shortcut and begin realizing your wildest dreams faster than you could imagine.

    Book promotion tip

    I have a hot tip for you today. Whenever you insert your cover image in the blog post, link the image to your book. This will then be picked up by the search engines which will then lead searchers to your book and hopefully more sales.
    **Click on the image and see where the image leads to. 
    Alt tags in Blogger
    Always add the ALT tags to your cover image. Its very easy in Blogger!
    Also make a point to add ALT tags to the image. If you are using Blogger, then this is very easy to do. All you need to do is click on the image and then go to "image properties" where you will be able to add the ALT tags. Don't ignore it. Search engine optimisation is important for book sales. Every little helps.

    When I Was A Prostitute: Based on real life story

    My name is Carmen. I am thirty three years old now. I was a prostitute for the most time of my life. I have a child named Sam. My life was a mess until now. I changed men, dealers even countries. I was disgusting little toy that men was playing around with. I was beaten, offended, arrested. I can’t count the men I had sex with. I know that my book will probably receive tons of negative comments and discussion about the whore that costs nothing. But, believe it or now “It is never too late to start a new chapter in your life”. I am happy now. Sometimes there are nights that are pushing me back in the hell that I was living in but now I have a strong man hand that holds me tight until I fall asleep again. I have a heart that is beating for me now and the best thing is that I can hear it now. I have my son’s eyes happiest than ever. And this kiss that he gave me every morning is melting my hearth, giving me the power never to come back in the past where I have nothing, I was nothing

    Suppression by P.S. Winn

    Based on a true story, Dan Warren is an inventor with an invention that could change the world, only one problem, the Government doesn't want it and will do what ever it takes to stop the invention that could end pollution and create cheap or free energy. including stopping Dan Warren. 

    Review by John R. Dizon 

    Suppression by P.S. Winn is an eye-opening novel based on a true story featuring Dan and Mary Warren. Chad Franklin, a reporter for the Vicinage Voice, visits Mary at the Rose Hill Psychiatric Hospital where she has been confined after the suspicious death of her husband. Chad begins researching the facts behind a conspiracy involving the duplicitous US Senator Steve Buchanan. Dan developed a garbage-burning incinerator whose vapor-producing abilities may prove to be an ecological breakthrough as an alternative energy source. Buchanan manages to pull strings at the Environmental Protection Agency in order to block Dan’s project, and the ensuing series of events leave Mary and Chad with no doubt that the Warrens were the victims of a political conspiracy. P.S. Winn is proving to be a compelling theorist whose previous work, BA-47, was her milestone endeavor within the genre. For suspense/thriller buffs and conspiracy fans alike, Suppression by P.S. Winn is one you won’t want to miss.