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The Writing Process Blog Tour

“The purpose of this tour is to showcase fellow writers with emphasis around the writing process itself to spread great words, get insights, and to show support in this isolating craft we embark on.”

I was nominated by Elle Klass. You can find her on her blog TheTroubled Oyster. You can also read her interview here.

1. What am I working on at the moment?

I just published this ebook and hope to get this out on paperback as well. Currently, I have a couple of titles in mind and one of them is related to travel and the other is on the culture of India. I am not sure when I will be able to finish them but I hope to make it this year.
Religions of the World for Kids

2. How does my work differ from others in it's genre?

Good question. Well let’s take one of my books for instance for example “Hinduism for Kids”. I come from a family of Hindu priests and I believe I can do a good job of writing on Hinduism. I personally think I was cut out to write that book. I am sure there are other good books out there, it's just that mine is better and it’s more genuine. Straight from the horse’s mouth if you like! In addition, I like to keep the prices of books competitive. In fact, the prices of my books are the cheapest in the same genre.

at the taj mahal

3. Why do I write what I do?

I was a blogger and was blogging about travelling to India on my travel blog. Then it occurred to me “why not write a book” and which is exactly what I did and this one was my first book. I’m sure it’s addictive as well. Once you have one, you can’t stop.

4. How does my writing process work?

Any creative work begins with an idea. I have an idea and then I do some market research and check if I can actually write it or not. If I can, then I plan a table of contents and begin writing. I edit, proof read, I get someone else to read it I can, design the covers and its read to go.

I Nominate Pamela Winn

You can find here on her blog
Her author page on Amazon


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