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Suppression by P.S. Winn

Based on a true story, Dan Warren is an inventor with an invention that could change the world, only one problem, the Government doesn't want it and will do what ever it takes to stop the invention that could end pollution and create cheap or free energy. including stopping Dan Warren. 

Review by John R. Dizon 

Suppression by P.S. Winn is an eye-opening novel based on a true story featuring Dan and Mary Warren. Chad Franklin, a reporter for the Vicinage Voice, visits Mary at the Rose Hill Psychiatric Hospital where she has been confined after the suspicious death of her husband. Chad begins researching the facts behind a conspiracy involving the duplicitous US Senator Steve Buchanan. Dan developed a garbage-burning incinerator whose vapor-producing abilities may prove to be an ecological breakthrough as an alternative energy source. Buchanan manages to pull strings at the Environmental Protection Agency in order to block Dan’s project, and the ensuing series of events leave Mary and Chad with no doubt that the Warrens were the victims of a political conspiracy. P.S. Winn is proving to be a compelling theorist whose previous work, BA-47, was her milestone endeavor within the genre. For suspense/thriller buffs and conspiracy fans alike, Suppression by P.S. Winn is one you won’t want to miss.


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