If you are self publishing your book then you have to do the promotions yourself. Basically you are the author and marketer all rolled into one.
As soon as your book is published, you must do these 5 things:
1. Post it on Facebook
This will let your friends and followers know that your new ebook/book is out. You should also join several book promotion Facebook group including this one.
2. Post in on Twitter
If you have been using Twitter then you must tweet about your new book. Don’t forget to add a hastag (#). You can use hastags like #book, #fantasy etc whichever is appropriate for your book.
3. Post it LinkedIn.
Everyone I know has a linkedIn account. Make sure you post the URL of the book with a few lines of description.
4. Post it in Pinterest
Take a look at my books Pinterest board I created to post books from this website. So far it has 129 followers, not a lot but hopefully it will grow in size.
5. Post it on Google+
This is a very powerful social media tool and its growing in size so don’t ignore it. You can now use hashtags just like Twitter and Facebook so use.
Take a look at the image above. Amazon provides social media buttons you need for you to promote you book, all you need is to click them. Except for the Pinterest button, I suggest you click on them every week.
So once you have submitted your book for publication and waiting anxiously for the email that says, “Congratulations, your book is now available on the Amazon market place”, write a blog post to publish on your website. So that once it is published, you know what to do.
For more ways to promote your books, read here.