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Author interview with Elle Klass

What languages you can speak and write?

I only speak, read, and write American English. I did take Spanish in college but my capabilities in that language are limited.

How many books have you written?

I have written several books including those that aren't published. My stories range in genre's, currently the NaNoWriMo 2013 winning novel, a horror/ paranormal thriller, Eye of The Storm Eilida's Tragedy is available for reading, and votes at  In this story Eilida has a tragic accident while Sunshine is the epitome of perfect. The story takes both women spiraling on a jolting ride and horrific climax. The prologue is available now and a new chapter will be added each week. I invite everyone to read, laugh, and brace yourself for the unexpected. The vote button is under each chapter.

Can you list some of your books here?

Definitely, As Snow Falls is a memoir. The story encompasses a women's entire life outlining her most memorable moments such as her first love, marriage, and the mystery she unravels.I published this story after losing a close friend, although was written several years prior to meeting him. Through my loss it seemed the most appropriate to publish first. Baby Girl is a series in short stories. Cleo forges a life for herself after her only parent, mom, disappears when she is 12.  I would have to classify this story as a coming of age adventure. Cleo encounters occurrences which may bring tears to the reader's eyes, however her story should also enlist some laughter with the unusual situations she gets herself into. Her cleverness, resourcefulness, and naivete make it fun for me to slip into her character.

Where do you publish your books?

All my stories are self- published through create space, kindle, or smashwords. As Snow Falls can found on through all three.

If you are using KDP and CreateSpace, did you try traditional publishing?

I have sent in queries to literary agents and publishers. I even had an offer and contract sent to me, but wasn't impressed so I kindly turned the publisher down and published on my own. I like the freedom of setting my own deadlines, creating my own covers, and playing with my own website. The literary world has changed, most new authors going the traditional route still spend countless hours self promoting. Let's not forget publishers want a well polished edited script sent to them. If I have to fork out the expense of editing, and marketing why would I go with a traditional publisher?

What is the biggest challenge you have faced when writing your book? How did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge was finding an editor. I found one, Terri Klaes Harper, who I'm working with for my  Baby Girl series and she is awesome! Not only does she have a BA in English but she also spent several years teaching high school honors English and is fantastic. She edits and leaves commentary that sends me into fits of laughter. She is the author of indie book Memoirs of an Ordinary Girl: The Middle-ish Ages, a hysterical young adult fiction novel.

How do you promote your books?

I promote my books by completing blog interviews, swapping reviews with other various authors, and the usual social media. I can be found almost everywhere, although my faves are Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Recently, I set up a giveaway for five free autographed As Snow Falls paperbacks, through goodreads ending on February 14th. I made it world wide so as not to leave anyone out of the loop. I have an author website and a blog, thetroubledoyster.blogspot- information on my books can be found at either site. Recently, I started working with a marketing co-op. They have set up a website as well at Whitehall Publishing- Meet our Favorite Authors. There are seven of us so please take a moment and check out all our pages and novels.

What is your favorite genre and why?

I have a lot of favorites genre's. It may be easier to say the ones I don't like- true crime. Now I say I don't like it only because true crime tends to be dry. If the story is written more as a fiction than I'm intrigued.

When did you start writing? What is the purpose of your writing?

I started writing very young, mostly poetry. My goal was always to write novels but at age 12 setting up a novel seemed an enormous feat. Several years ago now I wrote my first novel As Snow Falls, going through several revisions during that time.

Which of your work has been published so far? Would you like to share a synopsis of your work?

I hope an excerpt is OK. I have had more compliments on these few lines from As Snow Falls. He took me into the backyard, and I jumped on the swing. He jumped on with me and we twisted and twirled until we both fell off laughing, with our heads spinning. After a few minutes he stood up, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. Next, he grabbed my other hand, walked me up against the tree, raised our hands above our heads, and he kissed me, openmouthed. It was an incredible feeling and I found myself kissing him back. My body felt like it was being lifted off the ground. Then reality hit me on the head like a brick, and I dropped back down to earth. What was I doing kissing this boy I didn't really know? What kind of a person did he think I was?

I will add this novel has made many reader's cry from tears of sadness and joy. Are you working on more books?

Currently, the second short story in my Baby Girl series is being edited, and will be available shortly. I have no exact date yet. I am also working on edits for Eye of The Storm as I publish each chapter. I hope to have it completed by November  when I write the prequel Calm Before the Storm for NaNoWriMo 2014. 2015 I plan on publishing my novel Just Another Day, a crazy story about Joan a high school biology teacher and her students. The day takes them on a hilarious and wild ride. This story is closest to me as I have spent over a decade teaching Junior High science. The characters are fictional but derived from combinations between students, parents, and professionals I have worked with.

What four top most things you take care of while writing a book?

First, the story swirls around in my head for a while as my mind puts together the plot and characters. Next, I write a rough draft bringing my characters to life on the computer screen. After, I wait several months or even years and go back to the story. As I read it I revise. When I have finished that step I reread again, revising a little more. When I'm content with it, I send it on to be edited and start creating my cover.

What is the hardest part of the book writing process?

The most difficult part is the constant editing and revising. The first and second revisions are fun as I haven't looked at the story in such a long time therefore reacquainting myself with the characters while thickening the plot is enjoyable. Once I get to third revisions, the minuscule stuff, I would rather start creating a new story. I lack patience, although I'm always proud of the final product, and the journey it took to get there.