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Author interview with Mel Massey

This is an author interview of Mel Massey. 

What languages you can speak and write?

English is my native language but I can get along passably in French.
How many books have you written?

Two so far.  I have two more in the works at the moment.
Can you list some of your books here?

My horror short story, Getaway and the first book in the Earth's Magick series. Earth's Magick, Book 1 ~Earth~

Where do you publish your books?

Both of my books are available through Solstice Shadows.  That's an imprint of Solstice Publishing.  It's a fantastic Indie publishing house but still small enough that the author has creative input into every stage of production.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced when writing your book? How did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge was simply sitting down to write it after having spent almost two years plotting the entire series.  It was scary to finally give voice to some of these characters and I spent a lot of time with self doubt.  But with all things, I figured I'd never get anywhere being afraid, so I just did it.  Once the words started coming, there was no stopping it.

How do you promote your books?

Blogs, Twitter, lots of Facebook promo as well.  I have fantastic readers and a bunch of really fun people on Twitter and Facebook. Those guys don't mind my kind of crazy and I love them for it.
What is your favorite genre and why?

I love fantasy and supernatural tales.  All brands of fantasy peak my interest. From epic  to urban, I adore the creativity and the guts it takes to write fantasy. Sprinkling in supernatural elements in there just adds layers of fun and intrigue.

When did you start writing? What is the purpose of your writing? I've always written at different points in my life.  It wasn't until the idea for Earth's Magick came to me that I sat down and really allowed the story to play out on paper.   I wanted the magick to be real to those reading Mela's story.  There are no wands or Abracadabras  but primal, ancient magick.  The Old Gods wake up and come to the aid of mankind. It's a story that can resonate with people who see or feel what others may not. The fun part, and the primary purpose of the series, is this all takes place in a small Texas town.  Urban fantasy can be equal parts realistic and fantastical. 
Which of your work has been published so far? Would you like to share a synopsis of your work?

The first book in the series is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Here's the book blurb:

Life in Trinity Hills, Texas goes from normal to deadly for Mela Malone. Whenever Mela falls asleep, a mysterious creature, called The Hag, tries to kill her. What begins as dabbling in protective spells from an ancient Grimoire, leads to her initiation into an ancient order of warrior witches known as the Elementai. Mela learns war is coming with The Darkness and the Hag is only one of the evil creatures in its service. As an Elementai, Mela learns it’s her duty to find four part-human sisters who can help defeat the evil that threatens to return to the world. With every new discovery, Mela uncovers ancient secrets that complicate her quest further. 

As war approaches, everyone must make a choice - fight with the Elementai for all life on Earth, or fight for The Darkness…
Are you working on more books?

Yes!  I'm currently writing book two in the Earth's Magick series, Water.  I'm also finishing up a companion novel to the series as well.  Decker. There are characters in the series that are thousands of years old.  Their stories needed to be told!  There wasn't enough room in the books to tell all about their interesting and dangerous lives, so I'm writing their memoirs.  It's so much fun to really tell their stories.
What four top most things you take care of while writing a book?

Top four things to take care while I write?  Plot, plot, plot and write. lol  Without a plot, a truly interesting and well thought out plot, a story can't survive.  Even with interesting characters, readers want to be told a story.  Tell them this tall tale and make it make sense! Make them believe that magick and fantasy is totally plausible, even if for a minute.  That requires plotting and planning.
What is the hardest part of the book writing process?

Writing. Ha! That's why there's so many people walking around with great ideas, and I'm sure most are awesome! But if you don't make the tie to sit down and put words on paper then it will never go anywhere.  Having the ability to get that first draft done is by far the most difficult thing to do. For me anyway.


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