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Cells For Kids (Science Book For Children)

Cells are the building blocks of all living things. They are called “cells” because Robert Hooke, the person who discovered the cells when looking under the microscope thought that it looked like the “empty rooms” of a monastery where monks used to sleep in.
Biology is the study of living organisms and the research of the science behind living things. Biology is the core that unites all other disciplines and sub-disciplines of biological science. This starts with the understanding of the cell. Hence, the study of biology is vital for our children.
This book, “Cells For Kids” is a book designed for children with diagrams so that they can learn everything about animal and plant cells from the start. As parents, we must ingrain their minds and awaken their curiosity so that they can be ready for this complex and rapidly evolving subject area.

Most biology books, be it for children or adults start with a chapter on the cell. It is here that all biological processes take place. Hence it is vital that we as parents, teach our children about the cell as early as possible. Some may be able to learn while some may not but at least it’s a step in the right direction.
I wrote this book for my own children and I can see that they are now curious about what a cell is and what exactly does it does? Half of my job is done; this will save me a lot of heartache later on when I am trying to trying to teach them biology. My ultimate aim would be to get them to study science when they grow up and this book would be one of their stepping stones. Study of biology will prepare children for a range of careers where they can make a difference in the world.
Here’s what’s covered in this book about cells. I have included questions after some chapters for parents to ask to ensure kids are learning before moving on to the next chapter. There is a quiz at the end of the book.


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